Are radar detectors illegal in New Zealand?

Are radar detectors illegal in New Zealand?

Are radar detectors legal?

The most common misunderstanding around radar detectors is their legality.  

This is hands down the most common question we get from people looking to buy a radar detector.  They just assumed or had heard radar detectors are illegal.

Is a radar detector legal in New Zealand?

Yes!  Legal to own.  Legal to buy.  Legal to install.  Legal to use.

And then, of course, there is the common argument that radar detectors make it easy to speed.  

There will always be the argument suggesting radar detectors only enable habitual speedsters.  Odds are, someone buys a radar detector because they were already caught speeding, possibly more than once.  Either they didn't learn anything from the fine and ticket, or the rules don't apply.

People don't buy a radar detector so that they can speed. 

Radar detectors aren't intended to help you drive faster or break speed limits.  They work as constant reminders to slow down and alert you about some of the most dangerous parts of NZ roads, such as those black spots that NZ police and/or NZTA have deemed worthy of "safety cameras" or average speed cameras to be installed.

NZ Police are transitioning management of safety (speed) cameras around New Zealand to NZTA. The process of identifying high-risk sites for safety cameras involves sophisticated modelling techniques that assess the likelihood of fatalities or serious injuries occurring in traffic crashes. This modelling takes into account various factors, including average speed data, road layout, safe and appropriate speed limits, and historical crash data. By analysing this information, insights from strategic partners, and considering other planned safety improvements, authorities can determine the effectiveness of safety cameras in mitigating road risks.

The primary goal of speed cameras is to pinpoint locations across the country where the installation of safety cameras could significantly reduce the incidence of deaths and serious injuries.

Modern radar detectors remind you that you're approaching one of these areas where a camera has been installed with the intention of keeping you safe.   Getting drivers to slow down is the end goal.

No, radar detectors are NOT illegal in New Zealand.